Thursday, November 13, 2014

Lowen and the auto-erotic and volar

In Lowen's bioenergetics the schizoid and then the oral character roughly approximate the triangular complexes of the auto-erotic and volar stages. He characterizes their central problem as "the right to exist" and then "the right to need" (respectively).

With social ontology this becomes established not as a complex intellectual idea but in relation to the encounter with Space and Time. The right to exist in physical space, which is in dialectical unity within the mind (i.e. interacting with mnemic traces, memories, in reveries, etc.), seems like the problem of the altruist. Conversely, the right for others to exist and matter at all to one seems to be the issue of the egoist.

In the volar stage the right to need is a good example of Fairbairn's characterization of the schizoid whose love is hungry, also the idea of others who reference fear of merger with the other and losing one's identity as a problem, but I need more clinical material here first before I'll come up with a verdict... It's also important to know the proto, deutero, and trito differences, of course.

However, the altruist's fear of needing and depending on others I have seen contrasted to the most possessive co-dependent relationships in which the egoist doesn't allow the sexual object to have anyone but him (not friends, and not even pets). The right to need becomes the right of others to need others (if you'll forgive the awkward phrasing).

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