Wednesday, November 2, 2011

feminine subject

And in our quiet hour
I feel I see everything
And am in love with the hook
Upon which everyone hangs


And I do hate to fold
Right here, at the top of my game
When I've been trying with my whole heart and soul
To stay right here, in the right lane
But it can make you feel over and old
Lord, you know it's a shame
When I only want for you to pull over and hold me
Till I can't remember my own name

These are two of my favourite moments from the song.

Joanna Newsom- Good Intentions paving company

The opening sometimes strikes me as too frolicking but I've come to appreciate it as taking her out of a sound that could have been 70s and dated, but at 3:27 the song becomes blessed

I thought I'd also share some passages from Horney that really get to the heart of the matter.

The obtaining of satisfaction by submersion in misery is an expression of the general principle of finding satisfaction by losing the self in something greater, by dissolving the individuality, by getting rid of the self with its doubts, conflicts, pains, limitations and isolation. This is what Nietzsche has called liberation from the principium individuationis. It is what he means by the “Dionysian” tendency and he considers it one of the most basic strivings in human beings, as opposed to what he calls the Apollonian tendency, which works toward an active molding and mastering of life. Ruth Benedict speaks of Dionysian trends in referring to attempts to induce ecstatic experience, and has pointed out how widespread these tendencies are among the various cultures, and how manifold their expressions… the means of producing ecstatic states were music, uniform rhythm of flutes, raving dances at night, intoxicating drinks, sexual abandon, all working up to a seething excitement and ecstasy (the term ecstasy means littering being beside outside or beside oneself). All over the world there are customs and cults following the same principle: in groups abandonment in festivals and religious ecstasy, and in individuals, oblivion in drugs. 270-1

By dissolving the self in something greater, by becoming part of a greater entity, the individual overcomes to a certain extent his limitations; as it is expressed in the Upanishad, “By vanishing to nothing we become part of the creative principle of the universe.” This seems to be the great consolation and gratification which religion has to offer human beings; by losing themselves they can become one with God or nature. The same satisfaction can be achieved by devotion to a great cause; by surrendering the self to a cause we feel at one with a greater whole. 273

There is scarcely any neurosis in which the tendency to get rid of the self does not appear in a direct form. It may appear in fantasies of leaving home and becoming a derelict or of losing one’s identity; in an identification with a person one is reading about; in a feeling, as one patient put it, of being forlorn amid the darkness and the waves. The tendency is present in a wish to be hypnotized, in an inclination toward mysticism, in feelings of unreality, in an inordinate need for sleep, in the lure of sickness, insanity, death. And as I have mentioned before, in masochistic fantasies the common denominator is a feeling of being putty in the master’s hand, of being devoid of all will, of all power, of being absolutely subjected to another’s domination. 274

Horney, Neurotic Personality of Our Time

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