Sunday, May 24, 2015

earlier levels of Being

On a listserv someone brought up birth trauma and placental trauma. I posted that in Greek myth that before the drama of Gaia and Uranus, that there was a contras of light (Aether and Hemera) and dark (Erebus and Nyx).

I've posted that the relation to the body and the body's relation to other bodies is part of the auto-erotic.

so, briefly:

phallic fathers: bosses, teachers, or superior rivals who are in everyday life

anal fathers: those removed by higher classes, Prestige, and who often have relations to the tops of power hierarchies

volar fathers: semi-divine and/or magical figures who are absolute rulers if in power, but can also be outside of all social hierarchies.

auto-erotic fathers: representations of hostile people in hostile lands. The part-object seems to be captured in this blending of both the individuals and the land they are in. Also, compared to mythological monsters in the volar stage that are humanoid (i.e. giants, orcs, vampire, etc.) a dragon or some non-humanoid monster is often indicated by the auto-erotic.

So, this does leave an earlier level in which there is just interaction with Gaia alone and is pre-human.

I've definitely had patients who have dreams of the ocean, mountains, or the earth being destroyed by tornadoes and who don't have representations of humans in them.

Lastly there is something of a pre-earth or Gaia level in which the person talks about a void, emptiness, and there is no person and no thing there with them. Maybe this is what is represented with night and light, before the interaction of Gaia and Uranus?

Anyway, the other point I made on the list, is that Freud thought seizures and problems with the central nervous system were points of defusion of primitive anger (maybe its better to say elemental anger?). So, although the body and mind can be dialectically opposed at the auto-erotic, it's possible that parts of the body and parts of the autonomic nervous system are opposed in earlier stages and that these develop through the same principle of conflict and negation that mind develops in....

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