Thursday, October 9, 2014

The auto-erotic and multiple personality disorder

At the auto-erotic stage I noted that the social manifestation is a rivalry of the individual with Space (the world). The individual's own phantasy in his story, picture, or just reverie rivals the perception of external reality and refinding one's mnemic traces there.

I indicated that this rivalry was out in the open in Sci-fi and Fantasy in which an imagined world is actually put forward. Aliens and new worlds in outer space are the setting or magical realms next to ours in Fantasy. For example, there is the "realm of men" but then also the realm of elves, dwarves, ghosts, etc. in many fantasy/horror films.

Having recently begun to work with someone diagnosed with multiple personality disorder and reading over some Fairbairn it seems that existence of different realms in art likely parallels the existence of multiple personalities. However, I'm not sure if it's located in the altruistic pole or in the feminine (object egoism and subject altruism).

It makes sense that a function like narcissistic object choice in which a libidinal position or perhaps a libidinal pole is externalized onto another (i.e. someone doesn't function as an egoist at all but is an anxiety-ridden altruist with no self-assertion and is in a relationship with an egoist), is the inverse of multiple personality disorder in which one can act as an egoistic or altruistic way but without consciousness in the dominant ego structure. (Perhaps its better to follow Elkin and call it the transcendental ego structure so that no atomistic or "conflict free" or rational-choosing zone is implied).


Narcissistic object choice differs from projective identification. In the latter one is interacting with the object by assuming the place of the parental imago and treating the object like their self imago was treated.

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