Thursday, September 28, 2017

bisexual repression

Freud disavowed psychic bisexuality as the cause of repression 3 times in his work.

However, when a patient gets back to how he found out that his father was really his adopted father at age 7 and tells you that he was a "little asshole" afterwards and then is able to get in touch with the "lost, hurt boy" that was part of his reaction, what is the way we should conceive of this?

The feeling of the lost boy "not being protected, cared for, or loved" firmly establishes it's position on the passive and echoistic side of things. The "little asshole" is preoccupied with reminding the adopted father that he isn't the patient's real father and he focus is challenging and defying his authority.

Again, Freud talks about the importance of the "complete Oedipus complex" (positive and negative) when working with someone, but yet he wanted to ignore the relation between these two sides after a "traumatic" event or narcissistic/echoistic injury occurred....

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