Monday, July 27, 2015

Auto-erotic and "the idea"

People with eidetic memories can remember a whole page of a book. They don't remember every idea or sentence but have something of a "photographic" memory.

The idea of going beyond the particular and seeing "family resemblances" doesn't mean Platonism. There's not some internal epistemological object that one checks to see if things or people accord to in order to judge if they are part of a category. Rather, the negation of the particular means that sensuous qualities can be grouped together and that they just strike someone as similar. That function works without language, or rather language can be used to "mean" this operation.

Take, for example, when someone walks in a funny way that reminds you of someone else. The gait doesn't have a name but it's a sensuous quality that another person with a different body can have.

This negation of the particular is also where family resemblances will include such things as beauty, goodness, and other Platonic ideals. The point is that they are really of this world and based upon life.

The lovers of the negative, who want to make this function mean more and have its own subsistence in a metaphysical world and reify it into Being that has a non-social ontology are often woefully ignorant of doing so.

Much of the phenomenological movement in psychoanalysis does just this in their references to Heidegger and Husserl. They want to make atomistic individuals who are triangulated through Being and are guilty of the most fundamental reification. One has to strive hard in their work to actually find real discussion of motivations and ego ideal measurements of self and other.

This just goes to show that we have all fallen beneath the height of Nietzsche's, Marx's, and Freud's modernism, and often hate them for it.


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