Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Nuclear Complexes and Superego Relations

The more symptom readings I perform the more I can abstract from the particular individual and see the same relational logic across many cases.

Lately I've been formulating the nuclear complex (i.e. oedipus, electra, antigone, and bellerophon) in this way:

in egoism the superego (in its ego ideal aspect) concerns self-respect

in eros or fusion with the father imago there is respect for the father-substitute or respect for the Other that allows a less rigid or 'cool' self-respect in the egoist

in defusion in phobos there is a loss of the cool self-respect when respect is taken away from the father imago

there is a new self-respect to be one's own father or be superior to the father-substitute

inferiority takes the form of self-contempt, self-hate, despising oneself etc.

castration anxiety is the death of the ego: death of one's image-ego or reputation at the phallic stage, death of the body-ego at the anal stage, death of the sense of self over time at the volar stage, and death of the self in the world at the auto-erotic (i.e. falling anxiety).   

In egoism the proto and deutero stages have their own partial drive of exhibition

When power is transcribed from the mother to the father and the ego ideal is formed in identification with the father there is the appearance of scopophilia in relation to the respect for the father.

When there is defusion from the father-substitute there is negative scopophilia in terms of thinking about the ascendancy of the rival father and his possession of the phallus.

EX. In the phallic Oedipal defusion/castration complex= anxiety concerning social humiliation or death of the image ego and negative scopophila or painful feelings about the rivals victory.

in altruism the superego (in its ego ideal aspect) concerns loyalty

in eros or fusion there is loyalty towards the father imago that allows for a loyalty to oneself or allowing one's own interests to matter

in defusion in phobos there is loss of loyalty to self when loyalty to the father imago is take away.    

there is a new loyalty to restore or save the father-substitute or to ensure his legacy that isn't a felt superiority but it is none the less implied in the feelings that one’s help is worth something.  

inferiority takes the form of being taken care of and feelings of inadequacy, insufficiency, unworthiness, being disappointing, etc.

castration anxiety is the perfection of the ego. Where the egoist worries about a social humiliation (i.e. death of one's reputation) the altruist worries that he won't live up to the expectations of others and will disappoint. 

In altruism the proto and deutero stages have their own partial drive of scopophilia

At ego ideal identification with the father there is the appearance of exhibitionism in relation to loyalty to the father.

When there is defusion from the father-substitute there is negative exhibitionism in terms of not wanting to be seen as potent, skilled, knowledgeable, or good (i.e. modesty) in combination with sadness at the father's loss or taking the esteem that belongs to him. There are worries that one is seen selfish, ungrateful, presumptuous,etc. at the phallic stage and becomes more comprehensive at earlier stages. Trying to reach out for any pleasure and any self-assertion becomes associated with the reduction of the father.

Ex. In the phallic Antigone defusion/castration complex > there is anxiety concerning one’s inadequacy or being disappointing or the unattainable perfection of the image ego and negative exhibitionism that means feeling selfish or ungrateful for getting esteem regarding one's potency because it belongs to the father.  

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