Wednesday, December 12, 2012

psychic bisexuality: subject egoist and altruist

The active-egoism vs. passive-altruism binary.

On one hand the egoist feels that power is inside himself and attempts to express this power through conquering (possessing, controlling) the external world (people and things).

On the other hand the altruist feels that power is outside herself and attempts to express this idealization through loving (merging, resonating with) the external world (people and things).

The egoist has various ego ideals of glory that are connected to different fixations of aggression as well as impulses that haven’t been inhibited in their aims.

The altruist has various ego ideals of harmony that are connected to different fixations of affection as well as impulses that haven’t been inhibited in their aim.

The egoist experiences defusions from his ego ideals as compulsions. For example, he must compulsively work and prove himself (proto-phallic) or compulsively think and fly off into tangents (proto-anal). He has lost contact with or defused from the other he sought recognition from and lost the ability to receive self-esteem from his achievements or understanding.

The altruist experiences defusions from her ego ideals as resignations. For example, she must resign having her own opinions and projects and support those of her object (proto-phallic) or resign her bodily pleasure into feeling dead and out of contact with others (proto-anal). She has lost contact with or defused from the self she sought love from and lost the ability to receive self-esteem from her devotion or mimetic sense.

The egoist individuates by diminishing the power of the self and forming identifications with new masters to take on knowledge or skill.

The altruist individuates by diminishing the power in the other and forming identifications with others to increase wisdom or art.

At the Oedipus complex the egoist wants to castrate the father and take away his woman or his work and with too much signal anxiety he’ll have this reversed upon himself (i.e. self-castration) and masochistically spoiling his own success (Reik). This can lead to his return to the first ocular instance of separating self from other in Oedipus blinding himself to overcome the external world.

At the Antigone complex the altruist feels castrated by the father and that he doesn’t approve of her sexuality or self-assertion and with too much signal anxiety she’ll reverse this to the desire to castrate the father with her masochistic complaining (Reich). This can lead to her return to the first ocular instance of separating other from self in Antigone killing herself to overcome aloneness.

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